Gregory Besharov

Senior Lecturer


Currently on leave.

Recent Courses

Econ 3030 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

Prerequisites: ECON 1110-ECON 1120 and calculus.

The pricing processes in a private enterprise economy are analyzed under varying competitive conditions, and their role in the allocation of resources and the functional distribution of national income is considered. 

ECON 3030 Course Description

Econ 4220 Financial Economics

Prerequisites: ECON 3030 and ECON 3040

Examines the theory and decision making in the presence of uncertainty and the practical aspects of particular asset markets.

ECON 4220 Course Description


Econ 4510 International Trade Theory and Policy

Prerequisites: ECON 1110-ECON 1120 and ECON 3030

Surveys the sources of comparative advantage. Studies commercial policy and analyzes the welfare economics of trade between countries. Some attention is paid to the institutional aspects of the world trading system. 

ECON 4510 Course Description


Econ 4904 Public Finance: Resource Allocation and Fiscal Policy

Prerequisites: ECON 3030 and ECON 3040

This course is an upper-level undergraduate writing seminar that addresses the issues of resource allocation and fiscal policy in terms of the equity and efficiency of the allocation of social resources. It covers the standard forms of market failure such as externalities and public goods and explores how the correction of market failures is the source of efficiency gains, with attention to the implications of second-best theory and the role of values in policy analysis. The course addresses the costs and benefits of government policy not only with the usual problem sets and examinations but also with written assignments that culminate in an applied policy analysis paper.

ECON 4904 Course Description


Econ 4990-4991 Honors Program

The Undergraduate Honors Program in Economics is an opportunity for students who have demonstrated academic excellence in the major to pursue an independent research project. The program runs for the entire senior year, and the research is conducted under the close supervision of a faculty advisor. Please refer to the Opportunities for Research web page.

ECON 4990 Course Description


Older Courses

Econ 1120 Introductory Macroeconomics

Analysis of aggregate economic activity in relation to the level, stability, and growth of national income. Topics may include the determination and effects of unemployment, inflation, balance of payments, deficits, and economic development, and how these may be influenced by monetary, fiscal, and other policies. 

ECON 1120 Course Description


Econ 4210 Money and Credit (formerly Econ 3310)

Prerequisites: ECON 1110-ECON 1120 and ECON 3040 (formerly 3140).

A systematic treatment of the determinants of the money supply and the volume of credit. Economic analysis of credit markets and financial institutions in the United States. 

ECON 4210 Course Description


NBA 4120 Equity Investment Analysis

Equity Investment Analysis is a seminar intended for advanced undergraduates interested in practical equity investment. Students will learn about factors such as valuation, competitive position, management quality, catalysts and sentiment. Each class meeting will involve an instructor lecture on a skill required in analyzing companies followed by an in-class analysis of a specific topical company by the entire class. The course will culminate in company stock pitches by student teams at the last class meeting.

ECON 4120 Course Description

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